Monday, September 8, 2014

Meet James Goodman, author of newly released THE LITTLE RED JOGGER

1.  James, you’ve been in the publishing world a long time now. I first met you when you wrote for Resplendence Publishing, a sister company to Stiff Rain Press. You were amazing then, and you’re amazing now! Back then, you were writing hot horror, mixing sexiness with dark intention. What brought you to SRP’s darker, more taboo side of writing?

Thank you for the kind words.  I would have to say the freedom of not having to adhere to the unofficial rules of writing romance was the primary motivator.  Good guys are always good, bad guys are always vile and there is always a happy ending.  Life is never that black and white and I like to blur the lines from time to time.

2.  What do you find most intriguing about mixing the edgier side of your writing with taboo topics?

The ability to push limits and get outside my comfort level can be very empowering and I think it has helped me grow as a writer.

3.  Is there a taboo you would like to explore in writing and haven’t yet?

I have been toying around with the idea of introducing some BSDM into one of my storylines, but I haven’t committed to it yet.

I think that mix would be a natural development of your voice!
4. I noticed from your website that you don’t have any upcoming appearances scheduled. Have you gone into seclusion?

Not at all.  I’ve been extremely busy of late and just haven’t had a good enough grip on my schedule to be able to plan a book signing or attend a conference.  I do hope to remedy that soon.

5.  How do your friends and family react to your writing?

Most of them are very supportive, though a few seem to be taken aback by the new, more erotic direction.

I can only imagine. :)
6.  I see too, that you have started up a charitable organization for cancer. It’s a disease that touches a lot of lives. What inspired you to create the Highway Rollers? What does the organization do?

Well, as you said it touches a lot of lives.  Every brush with cancer is a hot roll of the dice. Sometimes we are lucky and are able to beat it. Other times, well… not so much.  All of our founding members have lost loved ones to this dreaded disease.  We founded the Highway Rollers to raise money in hopes of making a difference.  Each year we pick a different aspect of the fight to champion. Sometimes it is direct research, sometimes it is on a more personal level. For instance, this year we are working with Hannah’s Helping Hands, an organization who donates money to families of children with cancer to help offset some of the expenses incurred from missing work to take a child to their treatments.  I hope someday to have to give up our charity because there will no longer be a need for it.

I have to say that cancer has touched my life too. It's an amazing thing you're doing. Families going through cancer and recovery sometimes don't even know what they need that would help. Financially speaking, the cost of treating cancer is devastating.
7.  You’re a man of many interests and talents. You have a great marriage to a wonderful woman, and you have a son. You are active in your community and with myriad outdoor activities. When do you find time to write?

I’m not going to lie, it is a struggle at times, but writing is in my blood.  If I don’t make time to exercise my demons on the page, the voices in my head become a little deafening. I have no set time of day to write (my schedule just won’t allow for that), but so far, I manage to find at least an hour a day to dedicate to my passion.

8.  What’s next on your publishing schedule?

Well, I’m working on a couple of different projects.  My latest release (The Little Red Jogger) has inspired me to try my hand at modernizing (and eroticizing) other classic fairy tales.  It is a little too early in the process to declare which ones, but I think you will find them familiar when they are released.

I can't wait! It sounds like a great idea.
9.  What would you like your fans to know about you that can’t be found on your website,

I am a lover of life. You never know which day will be your last. Live each one to the fullest.

10.  Now for some fun...

Coffee or Tea?  Coffee

Coke or Pepsi?   Coke

Mountain retreat or beachside resort?  Beachside resort.

Boxers or briefs?  Boxer briefs.

The sexiest thing about you (or your wife, if you prefer)? It doesn’t matter if we are by ourselves or in a crowded room, she has this way of looking at me that leaves no doubt how much she loves me.

Three items you can’t live without?  Books, Music and the love of a good woman.

If you were trying to shock a cashier, which three items would you purchase?  A big knife, duct tape and a shovel.

James, thank you so much for sharing this side of yourself with us today!

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